Sunday, December 15, 2013

See Ya Later Talk

Today I spoke in church before leaving for 18 months to serve my lord.  Some of you asked for a copy of my talk so here it is.  I will try and upload the audio version as well! Thank you to all of you for all your support you have given me! I have the best family and friends.

Colossians 3:23 “And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” I chose this scripture to put on my plaque because I felt like it was a good motto to have for my mission, I felt like it would be a good reminder who I was serving a mission for.  Little did I know this scripture was going to mean so much more in the preparation for my mission as well. 
 134 days ago when I received my mission call I was ecstatic.  But I was a little upset at the time I would have to wait.  None the less I began preparation I know mission calls are assigned by prophets and apostles of god and if they felt waiting was the right thing for me I would wait.  Through this I have learned the power of patience a little bit better but I am in no way a master yet.  But I think the biggest thing I have learned through all of this is if you seem to be hitting road block after road block trial after trial you must either be doing something terribly wrong or terribly right.  From the day I got my call and announced it to everyone the Adversary learned of my call as well.  And let me tell you he did not waste one day not trying to break me down.  Many different challenges have come well waiting to serve my mission I would have to say some of the hardest days of my life have come in the last 5 months.  I’ve had days where I have pronounced to my parents that “Satan in the stupidest person in the world” But I know some of the best days of my life are yet to come because I have been able to overcome those days.
 Bring it back to my mission scripture and whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the lord.  I feel the reason the scripture has impacted me the most is because most of those bad days I was having was because I was so caught up in what others thought,  I was letting other people tell me how I should feel about myself.  When in reality that means nothing.  Everything I do the lord knows and he is the only judge.  So the philosophy I have developed with all of this is if everything seems to be crumbling down that’s good you must be on the right path because it just shows the adversary is giving the last push he can give to stop you, keep fighting back.
 I found much strength through this past general conference.   I felt many of the talks were answers to my prayers but I found much interest in Elder Gifford Nelsons Talk.  I would like to share a part of his talk with you he starts off by quoting Elder L. Tom Perry “This is the most remarkable era in the history of the Church. This is something that ranks with the great events that have happened in past history, like the First Vision, like the gift of the Book of Mormon, like the Restoration of the gospel, like all of the things that build that foundation for us to go forward and teach in our Father in Heaven’s kingdom”
 Elder Gifford Nelson added to that by saying. “We need to be engaged as never before to match the excitement of our leaders and the commitment of our full-time missionaries. This work is not going to move forward in the Lord’s intended way without us!”
 As I have prepared to serve my full time mission the awareness I have built of the need for members to be heavily involved in missionary work has grown immensely.  We have been told many times and I quote “Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto him.” End quote.
 Brothers and Sisters he is talking to all of us.   The last days are upon us and the missionaries are doing all they can do but they cannot do it alone.  I would strongly encourage all of you to become involved in missionary work TODAY!  Some of you may feel you are not able to participate in missionary work for whatever reason that is.  I’d like to quote president uchdorf here. STOP IT.  Missionary work is not all sitting down sharing lesson the book of Mormon and joseph smith.  I am a strong believe that the first step in missionary work is being a friend.  Now I do not like being told I’m wrong along with a lot of others in the world.  If you show up on some ones porch and say hi your religion is not completely true but mine is and this is why chances are you are not going to be invited back.  But if you show up on some ones door step asking how there days was really interested in their life chances are you are going to form a friendship and maybe religion will never formally be discussed but you know what if they know you’re a Mormon and you were nice look at the impression you have left just from your attitude. 
 Please if you are not already get involved in missionary work.  And remember sometimes it’s just how you act around others that teaches the most.
 I’d like to do my best at sharing a story that happened to my youngest brother on his 7th birthday. He was at our family cabin with my dad and the young men of our ward. Every so often all the snow on the roof of the cabin that has piled up falls off its loud and shakes the whole cabin.  This year was no different besides the fact that it was so cold the 4 to 5 feet of snow/ice on the roof had not fallen off all winter.  Shortly after they had all returned from a sledding trip the snow began to shake and they all watched as the chunks of snow and ice fell.  After the loud commotions voices began to yell he’s under there he’s under there.  Stockton had been trapped under the feet of snow.  I testify nothing happens by luck as everyone had just returned every person at the cabin that weekend was close by they all rushed to start digging and hopefully uncover my brother with little injury. I do not quit remember how long it took for them dig until they reached him but they uncover him conscious and talking.  After fully uncovering the snow they learned that no injuries had taken place.  In fact the only thing he really had to say was “dad there’s snow in my nose” The day went on and they all returned home safely.  My dad recalled the story to my mom and I and it defiantly made me hug well try and hug my brothers tighter the next couple days.  The story in and of itself I would call a miracle but the part that has stuck with me the most is a conversation I had with Stockton later that night.  I had asked him the question we’re you scared?  His reply was “I kinda was but I could hear them yelling we’re coming we’re coming, hold on stock we’re coming, so it made it less scary.”
  I have been called to the Washington DC North.  I do not know why exactly.  But I know that there is children of god there right now trapped under snow, not literally, but possibly it is very cold there. Anyway they may not know it now but they are looking for the voice that is yelling we’re coming and I hope to help them find the light. Again all of you here today are member missionaries some of you are preparing to serve full time missions pray daily for the savior to guide you to that person who may need some uncovering.
 One year ago at Sandy Hook Elementary School 20 6-year olds as well as 6 adults were shot and killed. 
 Some may ask why God could let so much grief come to his children.  Why he would allow this to happen.  In a recent video released entitle “evil did not win” Alissa Parker mother of 6 year old Emilie Parker who was one of the children killed in the New town shooting says “God allowed others to kill his son.   He allows us all to make our own choices, the good and the bad. Because that’s the only way good can be in us, if we freely choose it above all else…it’s quiet, it’s not on the news, it takes effort to find, but I’ve realized how strong god’s love really is. 
 Without god’s love in my life I have no idea where I would be today.  I testify that we are not alone.  Heavenly Father is always there helping us along the way.  In an article published in the Desert News last year it shared the following Robbie Parker father of Emilie Parker was the first parent to speak to the national media. Without notes or a spokesman, Robbie choked back tears and expressed sympathy for the family of the man who killed 27 people and himself. “I cannot imagine how hard this experience must be for you.”  If those words are not an example of the love and power god can give us I don’t know what is. 
 I would like to continue sharing the rest of the new article with you.
 Why did God allow such devastation? It was a question Lincoln had pondered. Plus, there were many in Washington who wanted to punish the Confederates for all the carnage. Against that backdrop, Lincoln said:
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations."
One month later, Lincoln was assassinated. But those words — "with malice toward none" — live on.
It reminds me of the story of Kenneth Brown, a U.S. Marine serving in Japan after the atomic bomb. It was just before Christmas when Brown encountered a Japanese professor of music who introduced himself as a Christian. He said he had a small children's choir and asked if they could perform a concert for the American soldiers.
Brown belonged to a unit of hardened fighters that had spent four years away from home, battling the Japanese from Saipan to Iwo Jima. The concert took place on Christmas Eve in a bombed-out theater. The closing number was a solo from "The Messiah" by a girl who sung with the conviction of one who knew that Jesus was indeed the Savior of mankind. The soldiers cried.
Afterward, Brown asked the Japanese music professor: "How did your group manage to survive the bomb?"
"This is only half my group," he said softly.
"And what of the families of these?"
"They nearly all lost one or more members. Some are orphans."
"What about the soloist? She must have the soul of an angel the way she sang."
"Her mother and two of her brothers were taken. Yes, she did sing well. I am so proud of her. She is my daughter."
Brown was moved to tears.
"We had caused them the greatest grief," Brown later wrote. "Yet we were their Christian brothers and as such they were willing to forget their grief and unite with us in singing 'Peace on earth, goodwill to all men.' That day I knew there was a greater power on earth than the atomic bomb.

 I have chosen to serve a mission because there is so much tragedy& negativity in the world.  I would agree with many others that have said the youth of today face more pressures than ever before.  I also was reading a news article that said the average American citizen has more negative interaction a day then positive.  Without the gospel I would be lost.  I cannot image going through everything thinking I was completely alone.  The goal I have for my mission is to touch as many lives as I can.  I will have the opportunity to serve at the Visitors Center where I will interact with many people a day I want every single one of them to leave with a smile.  I feel if we all followed the example of the Japanese choir our world would change drastically.  Everything they had had been taken away from them yet they were willing to forget it all and put on a show for those that had taken it away from them.  How we act and how we feel our our own choices no one else’s choose to be happy.

Friday, November 1, 2013

I think it's time you start listening to yourself.

First off my mission call was assigned today! That means by the end of next week I will know where the lord has called me to serve his people! I could not be more excited! This experience and opportunity could not come fast enough!

Now for the post.  I'm not exactly sure what this post will ended up being.  Lots has been on my mind lately and lots has happened.  A couple months ago all I wanted was to be done with high school.  I had the days until graduation memorized and it could not come fast enough.  While the day I had hoped for came and went and nothing seemed to different.   Life went on and I was excited to be having a relaxing, stress free summer. While summer went on it didn't go at all how I had planned but I wasn't about to let a couple bumps in the road stop me from enjoying myself.  I had the opportunity to spend time with my family in New York an experience I will forever be grateful for.  Life just kept going and the days passed by faster than I thought.  It's now august the friends I had at the start of the summer are pretty much all gone and if we still are in contact it's hanging by a thread.  I wouldn't say I love life right now but I'm trying to make the best of it.  It's just tough when the people you think you're closest to and would do anything for are the ones who turn out to be your biggest critic.  A lot of change is happening but I need to stay positive and just go with it.  I know that the next couple months of my life are going to be rough.  I know that the power of Satan is going to be working on me more than a normal person.  But I need to remember who I am and what I stand for.  I know that what i've chosen to do it exactly what my father in heaven wants me to do.  I know that the power of prayer is real.  If we will stay firm in the faith and keep his commandments we will be watch over.  I don't know what happens from here. I would love to say i'm not on the verge of tears right now but I'm.  But i know that this is only making me stronger.  I know that there is another door opening and it will be bigger and better than the room i'm in right now.  Stay strong, know you are loved, and always think who is worth your time and who is worth letting go.  Love Life.

This post above was a draft I never posted.  This last week has not been the greatest.  Stress, a little anxiety, mixed with excitement and a mind that likes to over think has made me very overwhelmed.  But as I was reading through old drafts I found exactly what I needed to hear.  I knew that the months between getting my call and leaving would be very rough but I did not know what that meant.  Now that those months are dwindling down to days I understand more.  But my testimony has grown faster than it ever has in my life.  I would encourage all of you to keep a journal or something that records your thoughts because I found sometimes when I seem to be at rock bottom I find something I wrote and it gives me strength.  The reason I love the above paragraph so much is because at this time and place I might now feel like I can fight any longer.  But I know that within me and at one point and time I knew I could do it which tells me know that I have the strength to conquer anything I set my mind too.  You are the only person that controls yourself.  You are responsible for your happiness, sadness, excitement, fear, everything.  So sometimes hearing and actually listening to yourself is exactly what you need.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"You are going to go through a traumatic experience, you have all the tools to make it through, just use those tools"

Watch this video

I had the opportunity to go and see this movie. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.  I love the ending statement in the first video. "You are going to go through a traumatic experience, you have all the tools to make it through, just use those tools"  That could not be a more true statement about life.  We have been given the tools and the help we need, now we just need to use them.

Be Kind, Keep on Trekking, and Never Give Up.

I found my love for this song on trek last year.  But it wasn't until a couple weeks ago when I heard it and really listen to the lyrics that this song hit me so hard.  I love the message in this song.  We honor and respect the pioneers for all they did and the trek they took, and I am not trying to down that in anyway but this song was not written just for the pioneers.  Today things have changed and the trials and challenges we are facing are different but we are all on our own personal trek.  As I read the emails you sent me I was brought to tears at all the different challenges and trials everyone especially the youth are facing today.  With that being said the message I have today is be kind, keep on trekking and never give up.  As the song says "Though hard to you this journey may appear, Grace shall be as your day...Our god will never us forsake."  I have been called to serve a full time mission. Against my wishes I have had to wait longer than I wanted. It's been rough and the challenges I have faced since receiving my call have been hard. But I could not be more thankful for the time The Lord has given me to prepare. I've had many experiences that would have never come if I had left on my mission already. I'm truly learning the principle of patience. I know that the lord has a time and a place for everything. If you are living his commandments and keeping the covents you have made he will guide and direct your life. I'm so grateful for this gospel. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints is the true church on the earth today. I'm grateful for the power of prayer and the ability I have to communicate with my savior on a daily basis. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 

    Monday, October 14, 2013

    One year older and wiser too?

     Today I turned 19?  Is that even possible?  Anyway I started reflecting on the last year.  It has been a memorable one.  And because I know your all dying to relive the last year of my life (not like the last year i'll be living but like the last year like 18-19 just thought i'd clarify I DO NOT plan on dying anytime soon) (and beware this is picture overloaded but sometimes a story is just told better with pictures)
    Bronson & Bridger floured my car (the flour is still coming off to this day)

    Oct. 13, 2012-BYU Blackout game

    18th B-Day at the cabin!

     Got stuck on a roof with these two (sometimes my ideas aren't the brightest)

     3rd elbow surgery.
     went to a dance "high" (4 days after surgery)

     Attended way to many PG football games with way to many awkward bus rides but memories to last a life time!

    BYU Poinsettia Bowl in San Diego. We won and I got to see this child!

     Last New Years at the cabin with these boys for a long time!
    Sent my amazing grandparents off on there mission!

     Made many new friends!

    Served on Student Council as Public Relations. 

    Spent Countless hours with my "sister"

    Found a big place in my heart for the "G" hiked it only a "couple" times 

    Went to Prom with my best friends!

    Got shot by a paintball gun (Yes I am proud of this)

    Graduated Seminary!

    Tumble maybe more than I should have.
     Was featured in Utah Valley Magazine!


    Spent two weeks in New York!
    Made it a summer to remember

    Got called to serve in the Washington DC North mission

    Girls Trip to St. George

    Went through the temple!
    Grew Closer to these boys

    Spent countless hours laughing
    Got caught in many rain storms.

    Took myself to the doctor!
    Said see you later to many missionaries 
    Spent time with the ones I love most.

    I have many memories just like the ones pictures above.  I could go on for hours.  But I'm thankful and blessed that i'm able to do all I do.  I'm so grateful for EVERYONE that is in my life and has been in my life.  I've learned a lot this year.  Some of my biggest blessing along with some of my biggest trials have happened in the last year.  I would not change one thing.  My testimony of this gospel has grown more than I ever thought possible.  If you ask me a year ago where I would be now I would not be sitting where I am today.  I could not be more thankful for god's plan.  I know I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be.  And I would not wish to be any place else (except for maybe Washington DC but I can be wait a little bit longer)  If I've learned anything this year it is I know there is a plan for us.  If we are doing whats right we will be blessed, sometimes those blessing come in all different shapes and sizes and sometimes those blessings may seem like trials but they are there to help us became stronger.  So I guess Happy Birthday to me and bring on 19!

    Thursday, October 3, 2013


    I was just reading through my old bog and I found some of my gymnastics routines from when I was first an optional and I would be lying if I said I didn't tear up a little bit.  But it got me thinking a lot about life right now.  My life would be so different, high school would have been different and I'm pretty sure the chances i'd be going on a mission would be slim.   It's a constant reminder to me that there is a plan for us and if we put our trust in him no matter how hard things might be everything will work out how it's suppose to.

    If you want to watch my routines follow this link.  And bear with me this was one of my first competitions at a new level at the time I thought I was so good but now I look back and laugh at myself! 

    Wednesday, September 4, 2013

    He lives!

    With everything going on in the world.  Never forget the purpose of why you are here and what you are striving for. The Savior is the ultimate definition of a role model.  If we all could just try our best to be like him this world would drastically improve.  Please as you go through your day focus on the good make sure people know how much you love and appreciate them.  And never forget your true hero.

    Dear Anonymous,

    I received this text message today. 

    To whoever feels the need to tear others down so they can feel better about themselves, i'm sorry.  I know life is tough I know the high school years are rough but this is not the answer to your problem.  If this is you and you have a real problem with me please feel free to come talk to me.  I'm not going to yell at you I'm not upset I would just like to solve this situation like adults. 

     To everyone else,  this world is hard enough to live in.  From the pressure to feel accepted, to getting good grades and pleasing your parents, to add bullying on top of it can send many overboard.

      I would like to use this experience for everyone to not get mad and upset at whoever this is but just to raise awareness that bullying can hurt and it is happening.  It does not solve any problems it only creates more.  As I said before I know at this time in your life the pressure to succeeded is so hard.  But this is not the way to be accepted.  

    I am not only speaking to those in high school I am speaking to everyone.  Take a minute and think of the last time you spread that rumor, the last time you judge someone purely off of the opinion of another.  If this is you don't fret we all have.  But all I'm asking is try and think twice before you speak.    

    If this or any form of bullying is happening to you, It doesn't have to be that way.  Speak up!  Do not retaliate by bullying another just simple make an adult aware of what is happening.  No one has to go through this and you certainly don't have to go through it alone.  If you are scared of telling someone because you feel that is uncool, it's not! So please make someone aware.  Know someone is always there for you! 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day!  Keep your head up and fight like crazy to make it through those rough times because I know that there is blessings and rewards for everything you go through! 
    And no one can say it better than one of the apostles of our loving heavenly fathers.  

    Tuesday, September 3, 2013


    This time last year brings up lots of memories.  Some good, some bad, and other just indifferent.  I've found myself reflecting a lot on those lately.  Many times when the past get's brought up regret is always part of the conversation.  I've put a lot of thought into that word (regret) maybe to much.  But I've come to the conclusion regret is not a part of my life and is no longer in my vocabulary.  Each of us makes mistakes, does things we're not proud of later, or just plain out wonders why we wasted our time and it seems like the value of that event doesn't even matter.  But through my thinking each lesson, each experience, each laugh, each tear is all a part of who I am and who I am to become.  Because everything that has happened to me, everything I've done, and all the people who have crossed my path have all made a difference in my life.  We go through trails only to make us stronger.  We don't go through anything just for the heck of it.  So why waste time regretting it? Some of you might remember this post.  Things have changed since then.  But it's all been for the better.  For all of you DO NOT waste precious moments in your life stuck in the past or regretting what you did.  This is just another tactic for satan to get you down.  There is always always a door that is opening and I know that if you are doing what is right you will be blessed.  The other night I was watching a show and something said has really stuck with me she said "Life is gonna throw a bunch of crap at you,  so just throw it in the past and leave it there" It's blunt and not the best grammar but I love it! The more time you dwell on all that went wrong the less time your spending making more happy memories.  So I'd don't know about you but I don't regret anything!  I'm grateful for the life i've been given and would not change anything but throwing regret out the door and being happy for what I've been given! Because I know I'm something and I have amazing experience coming for me. Also you never know who's looking up to you or the impact you might being having on someone else's life don't make there perspective negative just because your having a bad day.  You'd be amazed how fast your smile your "faking" isn't fake anymore.  (:

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    Washington D.C North Mission

    Can I leave tomorrow?  I mean look at the beautiful temple.  I can not wait for my mission!! 115 days and counting (:

    Saturday, August 24, 2013

    The Climb

    As you go through life you cross paths with many different kinds of people.  Some are in your life for a short time, others stay a while.  I have come to believe that every person who I have crossed paths with has been in my life for a reason.  As I get to know different people each one of them have given me a new opportunity to learn something about myself.  Just as every challenge I have been given has taught me something new.  With every person they all have a different story, where they came from, who they are now, and what they are to become.

    I've always been a girl who likes to help others.  I've always enjoyed helping people overcome challenges in there lives because I know how difficult it can be and I know that if I didn't have people there for me it would be a whole heck of a lot harder.  But with this love of helping others it can send my mental well being over the top.

    Once I received my mission call I was always congratulated first then, by some, warned of how much harder Satan was going to try and make me want to make a mistake or how much harder he was going to work on me to assure I did not succeeded with going on a mission.  Well I've had my mission call about a month and I can assure you this is true.

    This last month of my life has been very eye opening to me.  I have crossed paths with many different people.  All of them being close friends or family and all of them with there own story.  Each of our relationships is different and each has come with it's own challenges.  But I know there is a reason that each and every one of these people are in my life at this time.

    I have some friends (I know it's a miracle mckinsey has friends, don't worry it's only a couple :) anyway  I have watched several of them going through very tough times.  It's heart breaking for me to sit back and have to watch them go through all that they do.  Wishing so hard that I could just lift there burdens so they don't have to suffer anymore. Wishing that I could just make everything disappear for them. It wasn't until a couple nights ago while studying the scriptures that the answer to my heart ache was given.  I can't tell you what I was reading or where I was in the scriptures but I was in doing the right thing so answers were given to me.  For a while now I would mentally overload myself by thinking I could solve everyone else's problems plus my own.  I watched myself go through so much heart break with my surgeries that I vowed to myself to never let anyone hurt like I did.  But in reality that hurt was only bringing me closer to my savior.  In the last couple days I have come to realize that I can be there for anyone that is suffering or going through tough times regardless of our relationship, but I can not take there trial upon me.  Every person is given there own trials, temptation, and heart ache so they can become closer to the savior, so they can accomplish their test.  You can't take someone elses exam so that they can pass the test. Just like you can't take someones trail so they don't have to hurt anymore.  But you can help them study for there exam if you are stronger in an area they might lack.  You can be a friend to someone who might not have anyone or a shoulder to cry on to someone who is lost.

    This gospel is an amazing thing.  It's set up for us.  I can not imagine how our Heavenly Father felt sending his only son down to suffer for all the world so that we all can live with him again.  But us, just as our brother Christ, all have our own trials and tribulations that we have to go through so that we can reach our ultimate goal of living with our Father again.

    I know many of you are facing tough seas in your life.  My heart truly aches for you.  I know that temptation and the power of satan is real.  But I also know that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and loves you all the same.  I know that we are not perfect, we are human we make mistakes.  But the power of repentance is real.  If you strive to do your best at all times you will be rewarded.  I'm only 18 years old but I have been told that the teenage years are some of the hardest years of your life.  I would attest to that right now.  The challenges I have gone through and am watching very close friends go through right now are tough.  It amazes me to see someone who I felt was so close to the rod fall away so quickly. I pray that they will only be made stronger through there struggles.  Please to all of you never give up.  You have worth.  You are loved.  You will reach the top of your mountain and the view is amazing.

    I'd like to end with a story.  A couple year ago at a stake girls camp a member of my stake presidency was speaking.  He was speaking on the power that music can have in our life.  The last song he shared with us will forever have a special place in my heart.  It is not a church hymn and is not sung by an lds artist in fact the artist has gone off the deep end but the message the lyrics of this song have are amazing.  As you listen really listen to the message of the song and know that life is a climb but the view is great.

    I know life is tough.  But never forget who you are and what you stand for.  Keep on climbing I know you will accomplish great things in life if you will push the negative aside and focus on the good!  Always remember to put one foot in front of the other and keep on pushing through.

    Saturday, August 3, 2013

    The Greatest Generation of Missionaries

    In my personal study tonight I came across this talk given by Russell M. Balllard at the October 2002 General Conference Priesthood Session.  As I listen to him and as he raised the bar for missionary work a couple things stood out to me.  First I loved his motto for what a missionary should be/have.  "Valiant, Courage, Strength, Active, True" He then continues to say a missionary should have "faith, hope, charity. & love, with an eye single to the glory of god."  Another thing I like was Missionaries should equal the glorious gospel they are preaching.  The last two things that really stood out to me were first.  Rise up, Measure up, and be fully prepared to serve the lord. Lastly was his closing statement "Pray hard, work hard, and be obedient...May God bless you with the courage to be "true at all times" (Alma 53:20) and with the vision to realize who you are and what the lord has for you to do."

    All of us are serving our own kinds of missions right night now whether we realize it or not.  Some of us are going back to school, some are starting new jobs, and others of us are preparing to serve full time missions.  Regardless our position we are all spokesmen for the lord and his glories gospel.  Let that show through in your everyday life.  As he said the lord has something for you to do.  Be worthy and true always so you may know what that is.  I would like to share my testimony with you about missionary work.  I know it is true.  I know you are a missionary long before you are called on a mission.  I can not wait to dedicate part of my life to the lord and his teachings.  I know it is not for everyone but I do know that you will bless people lives if you chose to serve as well as at home serving through your actions and examples.  I love this gospel.  I know it is true.  I know I am a child of god and he loves me, as well as everyone of you.  In the name of my savior Jesus Christ.

    For more on Elder Ballard's talk click here

    Fast Sunday

    "think about what you will fast for tomorrow, don't let it be just another day without food or water."

    I loved this quote! Just a reminder it's fast sunday tomorrow! I would encourage all of you to take the time to write down or at least think of some questions you might have for the savior tomorrow and keep those in mind throughout your day.

    Friday, August 2, 2013

    What can I be learning?

    I don't know why we have to go through so much hurt, heartache, and sometimes depression to learn some of life's greatest lessons. But I do know if we can train ourselves to instead of hurting and getting down to ask what lesson we can be learning or what good is coming out of this we will be happier. I'm not promising you that everything will be easy and pain free. But it's took me long enough to learn that it's the way I look at the situation and my attitude towards it which ultimatly ends up deciding how I handle the situation. Life will always get hard and unfourtantly we notice the bad more than we notice the good. But please before you put yourself through so much pain ask yourself. "What can I be learning from this" I leave you my testimony that your days of sorrow and depression will grow less and your days of happiness and joy will grow. And as always remember you are loved. You have worth. And you are a son or daughter of god. 

    Monday, July 29, 2013

    Heart, Might, Mind, & Strength

    D&C 4:  2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the aservice of God, see that yebserve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand cblameless before God at the last day.

     D&C 59:Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, saying thus: Thou shalt alove the Lord thy God with all thy bheart, with all thy might, mind, and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt cserve him.

    In the Scriptures the only time the lord ask us to use our HEART, MIGHT, MIND, & STRENGTH all at the same time is when we are serving him and loving him.  

    As i've been preparing for my mission I have been studying many different things in the scriptures. A common theme to me is best shown in the story/vision of the tree of life.   Through these chapters I have found many words that have helped me understand more fully the work and responsibility that we as latter day saints are taking upon ourselves as members of this church. some of these words/phrases are clinging, continually holding, pressing forward, with all there feelings, etc.  All these words or phrases are not part time.   We are not commanded to sometimes hold on to the rod of iron,  we are not occasionally moving forward in the work.  He is saying that we need to be all the time 100% if not more engaged in his work.  Through this we are serving and loving him with all our heart, might, mind, and strength.  

    I can not think of a better way to repay my savior than following his commandments and helping others to come unto him also.  I pray that all of you will cling more to the gospel and serve  those around you.  I think it's so cool that he asks so little of us for such a huge price that he paid.   (Mosiah 2:17) And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn awisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the bservice of your cfellowbeings ye are only in the service of your God. 

    I hope you are all having an amazing summer! Remember that you are loved! If you are struggling with anything never forget to pray and study the gospel! Oh and just by the way my mission call should be assigned tomorrow I could not be more excited! So if you have any guess on where i'm going let me know before next week! Have a great week and don't forget to serve others!!

    Additional Information on D&C 4 can be found here