Friday, November 1, 2013

I think it's time you start listening to yourself.

First off my mission call was assigned today! That means by the end of next week I will know where the lord has called me to serve his people! I could not be more excited! This experience and opportunity could not come fast enough!

Now for the post.  I'm not exactly sure what this post will ended up being.  Lots has been on my mind lately and lots has happened.  A couple months ago all I wanted was to be done with high school.  I had the days until graduation memorized and it could not come fast enough.  While the day I had hoped for came and went and nothing seemed to different.   Life went on and I was excited to be having a relaxing, stress free summer. While summer went on it didn't go at all how I had planned but I wasn't about to let a couple bumps in the road stop me from enjoying myself.  I had the opportunity to spend time with my family in New York an experience I will forever be grateful for.  Life just kept going and the days passed by faster than I thought.  It's now august the friends I had at the start of the summer are pretty much all gone and if we still are in contact it's hanging by a thread.  I wouldn't say I love life right now but I'm trying to make the best of it.  It's just tough when the people you think you're closest to and would do anything for are the ones who turn out to be your biggest critic.  A lot of change is happening but I need to stay positive and just go with it.  I know that the next couple months of my life are going to be rough.  I know that the power of Satan is going to be working on me more than a normal person.  But I need to remember who I am and what I stand for.  I know that what i've chosen to do it exactly what my father in heaven wants me to do.  I know that the power of prayer is real.  If we will stay firm in the faith and keep his commandments we will be watch over.  I don't know what happens from here. I would love to say i'm not on the verge of tears right now but I'm.  But i know that this is only making me stronger.  I know that there is another door opening and it will be bigger and better than the room i'm in right now.  Stay strong, know you are loved, and always think who is worth your time and who is worth letting go.  Love Life.

This post above was a draft I never posted.  This last week has not been the greatest.  Stress, a little anxiety, mixed with excitement and a mind that likes to over think has made me very overwhelmed.  But as I was reading through old drafts I found exactly what I needed to hear.  I knew that the months between getting my call and leaving would be very rough but I did not know what that meant.  Now that those months are dwindling down to days I understand more.  But my testimony has grown faster than it ever has in my life.  I would encourage all of you to keep a journal or something that records your thoughts because I found sometimes when I seem to be at rock bottom I find something I wrote and it gives me strength.  The reason I love the above paragraph so much is because at this time and place I might now feel like I can fight any longer.  But I know that within me and at one point and time I knew I could do it which tells me know that I have the strength to conquer anything I set my mind too.  You are the only person that controls yourself.  You are responsible for your happiness, sadness, excitement, fear, everything.  So sometimes hearing and actually listening to yourself is exactly what you need.

1 comment:

  1. I believe self control is one of the hardest things to do. With all the trials and challenges in this word we often do not listen to what we are actually saying to others. In high school I had a hard time not to tell lies. I spread them like butter on toast. I made some people feel sooo terrible. I believe it is important to read our advice and heed them when needed. Beautiful post. Keep up the great work, I love this blog.
