Friday, August 2, 2013

What can I be learning?

I don't know why we have to go through so much hurt, heartache, and sometimes depression to learn some of life's greatest lessons. But I do know if we can train ourselves to instead of hurting and getting down to ask what lesson we can be learning or what good is coming out of this we will be happier. I'm not promising you that everything will be easy and pain free. But it's took me long enough to learn that it's the way I look at the situation and my attitude towards it which ultimatly ends up deciding how I handle the situation. Life will always get hard and unfourtantly we notice the bad more than we notice the good. But please before you put yourself through so much pain ask yourself. "What can I be learning from this" I leave you my testimony that your days of sorrow and depression will grow less and your days of happiness and joy will grow. And as always remember you are loved. You have worth. And you are a son or daughter of god. 

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