Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Greatest Generation of Missionaries

In my personal study tonight I came across this talk given by Russell M. Balllard at the October 2002 General Conference Priesthood Session.  As I listen to him and as he raised the bar for missionary work a couple things stood out to me.  First I loved his motto for what a missionary should be/have.  "Valiant, Courage, Strength, Active, True" He then continues to say a missionary should have "faith, hope, charity. & love, with an eye single to the glory of god."  Another thing I like was Missionaries should equal the glorious gospel they are preaching.  The last two things that really stood out to me were first.  Rise up, Measure up, and be fully prepared to serve the lord. Lastly was his closing statement "Pray hard, work hard, and be obedient...May God bless you with the courage to be "true at all times" (Alma 53:20) and with the vision to realize who you are and what the lord has for you to do."

All of us are serving our own kinds of missions right night now whether we realize it or not.  Some of us are going back to school, some are starting new jobs, and others of us are preparing to serve full time missions.  Regardless our position we are all spokesmen for the lord and his glories gospel.  Let that show through in your everyday life.  As he said the lord has something for you to do.  Be worthy and true always so you may know what that is.  I would like to share my testimony with you about missionary work.  I know it is true.  I know you are a missionary long before you are called on a mission.  I can not wait to dedicate part of my life to the lord and his teachings.  I know it is not for everyone but I do know that you will bless people lives if you chose to serve as well as at home serving through your actions and examples.  I love this gospel.  I know it is true.  I know I am a child of god and he loves me, as well as everyone of you.  In the name of my savior Jesus Christ.

For more on Elder Ballard's talk click here

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