Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Climb

As you go through life you cross paths with many different kinds of people.  Some are in your life for a short time, others stay a while.  I have come to believe that every person who I have crossed paths with has been in my life for a reason.  As I get to know different people each one of them have given me a new opportunity to learn something about myself.  Just as every challenge I have been given has taught me something new.  With every person they all have a different story, where they came from, who they are now, and what they are to become.

I've always been a girl who likes to help others.  I've always enjoyed helping people overcome challenges in there lives because I know how difficult it can be and I know that if I didn't have people there for me it would be a whole heck of a lot harder.  But with this love of helping others it can send my mental well being over the top.

Once I received my mission call I was always congratulated first then, by some, warned of how much harder Satan was going to try and make me want to make a mistake or how much harder he was going to work on me to assure I did not succeeded with going on a mission.  Well I've had my mission call about a month and I can assure you this is true.

This last month of my life has been very eye opening to me.  I have crossed paths with many different people.  All of them being close friends or family and all of them with there own story.  Each of our relationships is different and each has come with it's own challenges.  But I know there is a reason that each and every one of these people are in my life at this time.

I have some friends (I know it's a miracle mckinsey has friends, don't worry it's only a couple :) anyway  I have watched several of them going through very tough times.  It's heart breaking for me to sit back and have to watch them go through all that they do.  Wishing so hard that I could just lift there burdens so they don't have to suffer anymore. Wishing that I could just make everything disappear for them. It wasn't until a couple nights ago while studying the scriptures that the answer to my heart ache was given.  I can't tell you what I was reading or where I was in the scriptures but I was in doing the right thing so answers were given to me.  For a while now I would mentally overload myself by thinking I could solve everyone else's problems plus my own.  I watched myself go through so much heart break with my surgeries that I vowed to myself to never let anyone hurt like I did.  But in reality that hurt was only bringing me closer to my savior.  In the last couple days I have come to realize that I can be there for anyone that is suffering or going through tough times regardless of our relationship, but I can not take there trial upon me.  Every person is given there own trials, temptation, and heart ache so they can become closer to the savior, so they can accomplish their test.  You can't take someone elses exam so that they can pass the test. Just like you can't take someones trail so they don't have to hurt anymore.  But you can help them study for there exam if you are stronger in an area they might lack.  You can be a friend to someone who might not have anyone or a shoulder to cry on to someone who is lost.

This gospel is an amazing thing.  It's set up for us.  I can not imagine how our Heavenly Father felt sending his only son down to suffer for all the world so that we all can live with him again.  But us, just as our brother Christ, all have our own trials and tribulations that we have to go through so that we can reach our ultimate goal of living with our Father again.

I know many of you are facing tough seas in your life.  My heart truly aches for you.  I know that temptation and the power of satan is real.  But I also know that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and loves you all the same.  I know that we are not perfect, we are human we make mistakes.  But the power of repentance is real.  If you strive to do your best at all times you will be rewarded.  I'm only 18 years old but I have been told that the teenage years are some of the hardest years of your life.  I would attest to that right now.  The challenges I have gone through and am watching very close friends go through right now are tough.  It amazes me to see someone who I felt was so close to the rod fall away so quickly. I pray that they will only be made stronger through there struggles.  Please to all of you never give up.  You have worth.  You are loved.  You will reach the top of your mountain and the view is amazing.

I'd like to end with a story.  A couple year ago at a stake girls camp a member of my stake presidency was speaking.  He was speaking on the power that music can have in our life.  The last song he shared with us will forever have a special place in my heart.  It is not a church hymn and is not sung by an lds artist in fact the artist has gone off the deep end but the message the lyrics of this song have are amazing.  As you listen really listen to the message of the song and know that life is a climb but the view is great.

I know life is tough.  But never forget who you are and what you stand for.  Keep on climbing I know you will accomplish great things in life if you will push the negative aside and focus on the good!  Always remember to put one foot in front of the other and keep on pushing through.

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