Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dear Anonymous,

I received this text message today. 

To whoever feels the need to tear others down so they can feel better about themselves, i'm sorry.  I know life is tough I know the high school years are rough but this is not the answer to your problem.  If this is you and you have a real problem with me please feel free to come talk to me.  I'm not going to yell at you I'm not upset I would just like to solve this situation like adults. 

 To everyone else,  this world is hard enough to live in.  From the pressure to feel accepted, to getting good grades and pleasing your parents, to add bullying on top of it can send many overboard.

  I would like to use this experience for everyone to not get mad and upset at whoever this is but just to raise awareness that bullying can hurt and it is happening.  It does not solve any problems it only creates more.  As I said before I know at this time in your life the pressure to succeeded is so hard.  But this is not the way to be accepted.  

I am not only speaking to those in high school I am speaking to everyone.  Take a minute and think of the last time you spread that rumor, the last time you judge someone purely off of the opinion of another.  If this is you don't fret we all have.  But all I'm asking is try and think twice before you speak.    

If this or any form of bullying is happening to you, It doesn't have to be that way.  Speak up!  Do not retaliate by bullying another just simple make an adult aware of what is happening.  No one has to go through this and you certainly don't have to go through it alone.  If you are scared of telling someone because you feel that is uncool, it's not! So please make someone aware.  Know someone is always there for you! 

I hope you all have a fantastic day!  Keep your head up and fight like crazy to make it through those rough times because I know that there is blessings and rewards for everything you go through! 
And no one can say it better than one of the apostles of our loving heavenly fathers.  

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely a strength to those around you, and those reading this blog. Obviously if anyone even comes close to knowing you, they know the person who wrote that to you is in need of some SERIOUS help. Grateful you are the young lady that you are, the divine Daughter of God I know you to be, for not letting this kind of thing hurt you or diminish you in any way. It is very hard to be on the receiving end of this type of message and especially hard if you don't know deep down who you really are. That is what the adversary wants, to tear us down, but the Savior will build us up and give us the knowledge that we truly are sons and daughters of God. This message only shows that they don't know who they are, because if they did, they'd know who you are and would never treat anyone that way, because the Savior wouldn't. Thanks for your testimony Kinsey!
