Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Things I've learned.

I was just reading my one and only journal from all my high school years.  It's funny to look back and read all the crazy things I was stressed over.  From my first date to hoping that people would show up to my sweet 16. It's amazing how much you forget and take for granted.  This year is half over and I only have a couple more months of high school left.  Seniorites is the worst.  I never go to school and that's kind of a bad thing cause I kind of need to if I don't want to repeat my senior year.  Don't get me wrong this year has been amazing but I think I've been through it once and that's good enough for me.

The last couple years I've been through a lot.  There has been times where I thought my life was over.  I was thinking today about gymnastics the day it was over was the worst day of my life but it was the biggest turning point in my life.  I don't know where I'd be now if that hadn't been taken away from me

Surgery was the next big event in my life.  I remember everyone coming to visit me but it wasn't the surgery that impacted me the most it was when everything was over the cast was off and I was left to wonder what to do with my life.

Student Council came next.  It had a bitter sweet ending but it was an experience that you could not recreate.  The people I meant and the lessons I learned were amazing.

My sophomore year I meant one of the most amazing girl.  She was just what I needed and her and I's spontaneous adventures were the best.


Cheer was the next door that opened in my life.  I never thought in a million years that I would ever cheer it was a great experience for me and I loved it. I meant another amazing girl and I couldn't have gotten through the year without her. Not a day goes by that I don't miss it.

The day I had to quite cheer was my worst nightmare.  It was like a bad dream all over again.  I know that the night my coach told me to sleep on I didn't get any sleep.  There was so many times where I convinced myself I would be fine and almost changed my mind.  But the next day I had to go tell my team I was done.

I would say the next thing that happened was these three boys.  The day I quite cheer I came home and they were playing basketball in my backyard.  It seemed so normal.  They were exactly what I needed at that time.  I could be having the worst day and we would hang out and I wouldn't be able to stop laughing by the end of the night.

Football season I meant one of my best friends.  This girl is so like me I wonder where she's been my whole life.  We are almost the same person it's crazy and I'm so grateful for her.

 Football ended and a lot of other things with it.  Life got hard.  I had to have surgery again.  I started to see a lot of true colors come out.  But it was in this time and all the other hard times I went through that I learned the most about myself.

Right now my life is not ideal.  I struggle a lot with my elbow but I'm so grateful for it.  If I didn't have to quite gymnastic I would have never gone through any of this never meant any of these people.  So many amazing experience would have never happened.

For all of you who are struggling right now with why things are happening.  I promise you that so many great things will come out of it.  Things didn't change over night for me and it took a long time to accept different things but nothing happens for no reason there is a reason for everything.  If your life isn't going how you want it CHANGE! you have that power and only you.  Don't let anyone tell you how or what to do with your life.  But listen to your parents most of the time they know what there talking about.

You don't have to go through anything alone.  There were many times where I thought I was all on my own and no one would understand.  Sometimes people didn't know how I felt but just to have them to talk to was amazing. For me that person was my cousin.  We are two year apart and she has lived in california her whole life and i've lived in Utah that's been hard but it has brought us some much closer because we charish the time we have together.  If you don't feel like you have anyone talk to me.  I feel that I would have wasted so many experience if I couldn't turn around and help someone else.  You also have a father in heaven who loves you and is always there for you.

always ask yourself what door is opening? and well your finding that door it's okay to be upset but don't spend so much time feeling sorry for yourself that you miss an opportunity.  Never forget to smile!

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