Sunday, January 13, 2013

Special Needs Seminary

This semester I was blessed to be in Special Needs Seminary.  It was the one of the best experiences and blessing in my life.  I could be having one of the worst days and I would go to seminary and those kids would make me feel so good about myself and teach me so much about what truly matters in life.  I have had many amazing days in this class and I wish I would have done better at writing them down but I would like to share one with you.  On the last day we were writing in our journals.  Our teacher would always give us a little glue in with a question on it we were suppose to answer, the question this last day's was How do I feel about my savior Jesus Christ?  After we had finished this he asked us to share what we had written.  As we went around the room all the answers were amazing and so positive and it was so great to sit back and reflex on all the things the Savior has done for us.  As we went around one of the Special Needs girls answer really stuck with me.  She said I feel good about my savior because he loves me.  I don't know why that hit me so hard but I was in tears in the middle of seminary.  As I thought through the rest of the day why that impacted me so much I could never really figure out.  But it was one of those things that was said at the most perfect time.  These last couple weeks have not been the highlight of my life and at times I have forgot that I have a Savior that loves me.  Never forget someone is always there for you.  Remember the words spoken from one of the most special of gods you children.  "I feel good about my savior because he loves me" Something as simple as that can change your attitude right around.    I challenge all of you today to reflected on the question. How do you feel about your Savior Jesus Christ?

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