Monday, October 14, 2013

One year older and wiser too?

 Today I turned 19?  Is that even possible?  Anyway I started reflecting on the last year.  It has been a memorable one.  And because I know your all dying to relive the last year of my life (not like the last year i'll be living but like the last year like 18-19 just thought i'd clarify I DO NOT plan on dying anytime soon) (and beware this is picture overloaded but sometimes a story is just told better with pictures)
Bronson & Bridger floured my car (the flour is still coming off to this day)

Oct. 13, 2012-BYU Blackout game

18th B-Day at the cabin!

 Got stuck on a roof with these two (sometimes my ideas aren't the brightest)

 3rd elbow surgery.
 went to a dance "high" (4 days after surgery)

 Attended way to many PG football games with way to many awkward bus rides but memories to last a life time!

BYU Poinsettia Bowl in San Diego. We won and I got to see this child!

 Last New Years at the cabin with these boys for a long time!
Sent my amazing grandparents off on there mission!

 Made many new friends!

Served on Student Council as Public Relations. 

Spent Countless hours with my "sister"

Found a big place in my heart for the "G" hiked it only a "couple" times 

Went to Prom with my best friends!

Got shot by a paintball gun (Yes I am proud of this)

Graduated Seminary!

Tumble maybe more than I should have.
 Was featured in Utah Valley Magazine!


Spent two weeks in New York!
Made it a summer to remember

Got called to serve in the Washington DC North mission

Girls Trip to St. George

Went through the temple!
Grew Closer to these boys

Spent countless hours laughing
Got caught in many rain storms.

Took myself to the doctor!
Said see you later to many missionaries 
Spent time with the ones I love most.

I have many memories just like the ones pictures above.  I could go on for hours.  But I'm thankful and blessed that i'm able to do all I do.  I'm so grateful for EVERYONE that is in my life and has been in my life.  I've learned a lot this year.  Some of my biggest blessing along with some of my biggest trials have happened in the last year.  I would not change one thing.  My testimony of this gospel has grown more than I ever thought possible.  If you ask me a year ago where I would be now I would not be sitting where I am today.  I could not be more thankful for god's plan.  I know I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be.  And I would not wish to be any place else (except for maybe Washington DC but I can be wait a little bit longer)  If I've learned anything this year it is I know there is a plan for us.  If we are doing whats right we will be blessed, sometimes those blessing come in all different shapes and sizes and sometimes those blessings may seem like trials but they are there to help us became stronger.  So I guess Happy Birthday to me and bring on 19!

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