Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Escape.

I'm headed here tomorrow.  This trip could not come at a better time.  The Cabin has always been my favorite place and my favorite place to escape everything and enjoy life.  Today has been rough.  I went sledding (i shouldn't have done that) which made my elbow hurt a lot.  I try my hardest not to get in a bad mood when my elbow hurts but it's almost impossible.  It makes me wonder if it was even worth having surgery.  I know it was and I'm working on changing my attitude and being thankful for the pain because it means they actually did something which means they actually fixed something.  Anyway I hope tomorrow is better. In fact it's a goal of mine tomorrow will be better. If you've had a bad day or even if you've had a good day.  Tell yourself Tomorrow will be better.  It's amazing what power your mind has if you believe in something hard enough it will happen.  

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