Sunday, December 23, 2012


This has always been one of my Christmas favorites.  As i mentioned in an earlier post as part of student council every year we sponsor an angel tree.  This year I had an experience I will never forget.  After a long night and an early morning Cassie and I set out to deliver some gifts.  We went to the different houses and gave them there gifts.  The last house we were assigned to was very special.  We knocked on the door and stood there for a while. They never answered so we went to leave just as we were pulling out the mom came running out of the house.  We pulled back in and walked up to the door we handed her the gifts and expected just a thank you and we would be on our way.  Instead she invited us into her house.  We walked in and met her little boy he was six year old and was a ball on energy. We talked with them for a while and then we decided it was time to go.  As we went to leave the little boy came up and gave us both a hug he then got tears in his eyes and said thank you for helping Santa this year and left the room.  We then turned to the mom she was crying and with gratitude in her heart explained the circumstances of her family.  Her husband had left her and she was left to provide for her kids alone.  After we talked with her for a minute we were on our way.  The rest of the day I could not stop thinking about this family.  Christmas always make me appreciate what I have so much more.  But then it's over and i forget about it all.  I hope this year I can keep the spirit of Christmas in me all year.  There has been to many times where i have been upset or felt sorry for myself for things that don't even matter.

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