Thursday, December 13, 2012

From the old blog.

This was another post I had posted elsewhere and wanted to share. Sorry for the repeat of the story but I liked the message(:

For 15 years of my life I knew three lifestyles school. gymnastics. sleep(kind of). I would also through eating in there sometimes. Now some people would go crazy doing basically the same thing everyday but I LOVED it! But in march of 2010 my world was flipped upside down. The doctors told me my elbow was messed up to the point where it would no longer be able to keep up with such an active lifestyle. So I had surgery on march 30 and started to try to figure things out. Through all the mess I tried out for the student council and made it! I also ran track and enjoyed that but nothing was more strange than coming home from school and being able to stay home and not hurry and change into a leotard grab some sort of food and run out the door. It was hard I cried a lot and at the time I never thought anything would ever get better! But my testimony grew so much and it was an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. Now even now that's hard to say but I know it happened for a reason. I've tried a lot of things well in high school I would have never had the chance let alone time to do. I tried cheer something I had been against my whole life and I found that you really can't judge a book by it's cover! And never say never. (unless it's for something bad in that case you can say never) But I do have to say it is hard to catch a break considering I go back for surgery on Tuesday I can't tell you how hard it's been to accept the fact that it's happening again and I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind a couple times of why I didn't just keep doing gym if I was going to have to have surgery again anyways but the one thing that has helped me through all this craziness the most is the fact that I have to have surgery again because I tried something new I didn't just sit back and say life is over and not do anything I stepped out of my regular comfort zone and did something I thought I never would do! Now do I know what's going to happen next nope and I'm not even going to try and guess because one thing I have learned is that right when you think you know exactly where the pitch is going to be it curves and all of a sudden your on a whole new playing field! So basically what I'm trying to say is if you can learn anything from me it is change is hard and it can be not so fun but try stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new because you can't go back in time but you can control what you do with the time you have now!

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