Sunday, November 25, 2012

where will i be in five years?

i don't know why somethings happen in our lives.  i don't know why i've had to deal with elbow pain for so long and why it's not fixed yet.  i can honestly say i don't know what tomorrow has in store for me.  over the years it's gotten harder and harder to follow what i knows is right because at times it's hard.  but what fun would life be if everything went exactly how we planned.  i found a paper i wrote in young women's a couple year ago. it say where will i be in five years?  on it i had a written a list of things that i would be preparing for at this time in my life. 1. i will be a senior graduating from high school. true i am a senior and i hopefully will be graduating if i can forget about my senoritas and go to school on time. 2. i will be looking forward to going to byu hopefully on a gymnastics scholarship. false. i am not going to byu and i am not getting a scholarship for gymnastics. after i read that line i started to get really angry.  i've always struggled with this.  why was something that was such a big part of my life taken away from me at such a young age?  i was told all growing up that if you write it down and set it as a goal you can accomplish it. so what happened? i wrote it down and i was working hard to make sure it would happen.  the only explanation i can give myself and that has been given to me is best explained in what has come to be my favorite scripture.  ...believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. (Mosiah 4:9) 3. living life to the fullest. i can answer that true or false.  but i hope that in the next couple months i can changed that kind of to yes.  don't get me wrong i have fun and i'm enjoying being a teenager but i feel in order for me to be living my life to the fullest i need to stop getting caught up in some many materialistic things of the world and focusing more on what truly matters. 4. preparing myself to enter into an eternal marriage  you can obviously tell i wrote this as a beehive and for some reason in the young womens program they feel the need to have everyone other lesson on marriage.  but it one day i hope to get married in the temple and have a family.  i don't know when that will be i don't plan on it being any time soon but i do need to prepare myself now so when the time comes i'll be ready. but for anyone freaking out i promise i do not plan on getting married soon give it a couple years. if i go with what my dad wishes give it until i'm 40 after all boys have cuties right? In the end if you don't get anything else from this post just know that you should always have a plan for where and what you want to do in life but just know if it's not what's suppose to be happening he will find a way to change it.  i know that everything does happen for a reason we are so loved and watched over we have no need to fear!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kinse! I love this post! You're such an amazing example to me and I want to thank you for that. I know that it's really hard and challenging when life doesn't go as planned (gymnastics for you and kids for me) but I KNOW HEAVILY Father has a plan for all of us. I know we can't see the big picture here on earth, but I KNOW that before we came here to earth we knew about the challenges we would face and we were ok with them and knew that we'd get through it. My patriarchal blessing confirms that to me. I love that your doing this blog, it's going to be a strength to a lot of people but mostly you has you encounter different challenges in your life. Thanks for sharing and being the person you are. I love you so much!!!! Jen
