Wednesday, November 7, 2012

hard day.

today i scheduled my surgery.  I thought that i was fine and all of a sudden everything started to hit me.  All the pain associated with it.  The fact that i wouldn't be able to tumble for months and possibly forever.  I started getting really down.  I started to think very negatively.  I wish i could tell you i snapped right out of it and everything is okay now, but life doesn't work that way.  There is something i'm suppose to be learning from all of this.  In life there is always something we could be learning if we look for it!  But for me most of the time it's having the right attitude and being willing to look for the good.  We all have those days where everything seems to be negative.  I know that i do and they suck, but i challenge you if you ever have a day like that to look back on it and find something  good that happened even if it's small.  You'll find that i love quotes and sometimes when you have a day like i had today i just hop on pinterest and read quotes. Life is hard and i'm not about to tell you it's not.  It's hard to say that everything happens for a reason when you don't know what that reason is.  I don't know how many times i've wanted to just fast forward life just so i can see what happens in the end.  Unfortuantly if doesn't work that way.  So for all of you stuggling with anything i know your problems are far worse than mine. But just know it can't be bad forever.  You are never alone.  You might feel like no one knows how you feel or no one knows how to help you.  And that might be the case.  But someone is always willing to listen to you.  If you don't feel like you can talk to anyone there is always your heavenly father and he has felt your pain and will help you.  

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