Monday, November 5, 2012


In life we are always told. don't gossip, don't talk bad about other people, and most importantly don't judge others by there apperance or what you have heard about them from someone else. I have always tried to apply this principle in my life, but it's never hit so close to home until the last couple weeks.  I have been lucky enough in high school to pretty much avoid drama.  Now there was always some drama but mostly it got resloved and it was just between a small group of people.  But in this last month i found myself the center of the high school gossip.  It was werid for me and at first i did a good job at not listening to what other poeple thought.  It sucked but I was strong enough to turn the other check.  But after a while it started getting really hard to avoid it wasn't just at school anymore it was through the internet and my phone.  People who i thought were my good friends were turning on me it was ruining friendship I had had with people for a long time and it was hard.  It really made me start to think about everything that I said about another person.  Anyway what i'm trying to say here is.  Judging and Gossip can really hurt.  I was lucky enough to have good family and friends to help me through it but others aren't so lucky! To some people it messes up there whole life to the point where they feel like it's not worth living anymore! So i'm asking you please think twice before you forward that text or share the latest story you've heard.   

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