Thursday, November 15, 2012

Re-Post March 1st

[I posted this on my other blog a couple months ago but wanted to share it with all of you. I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!]

11 years ago today my baby brother was born. I don't remember much about that day besides staying at my grandmas house waiting for the phone to ring to make the announcement that I had a new baby brother

Four years ago today I can remember quite clearly it was a Saturday I had slept in and it was just my mom and I at home my dad and brothers had taken the scouts to the cabin. When I woke up I remembered it was my brothers birthday and I decided to be a good sister and decorate the house with happy birthday signs and number 7's. The day went on and the boys arrived home later in the evening they got all there gear in the house and then my dad ask Stockton if he had told us what had happened to him Stockton obviously had not and what my dad told us next came a very big shock.

he then went on to explain how the snow on the roof of the cabin had not fallen off this year leaving about four to five feet on the roof just waiting to come down. Anyway they had just returned to cabin and Stockton went to walk into the cabin when everything started to shake and there was a big clash and the four feet of snow(mostly ice) fell onto my seven year old brother. Luckily by a miracle everyone was outside and knew exactly what had happened everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to the pile to start undigging my little brother. As my dad explains he felt like minutes were flying by as they tried to reach him calling "were coming Stockton" and "hold on we're almost there" needless to say the reached him in about a minute. And we're able to uncover him with miraculous no injuries or problems. After they had gotten him out and were checking him and the area around him some with bloody hands jackets roped and a lot of boys who five minutes ago were laughing in the snow and now standing in silence not know what to say or do. The day then went on and the trip went on as planned. But something that really touched me was what my brother said when we asked him if he was scared and he said "no because I could hear you calling me and saying you were coming" the words of my seven year old brother have stuck with me for the past few years and I always think to myself when I'm going through a hard time or feel like I'm buried under piles of ice and snow that there's always someone on top yelling my name and saying there coming and don't give up because there almost there!

As I listen to my dad recall the story of what had happened just a few short hours earlier and how this day could be a lot different if everything had not fallen into place some would say it's luck but I don't think anything happens by luck or chance. Everything happens for a reason and we might not know why it is happening but it's for a reason and if you don't live everyday to the fullest you never know what you could have accomplished! And you never know when your not going to be able to get the opportunity. So live life to the fullest!

And always appreciate what you have love you family, friends, enemies, and anyone else you come in contact with!

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