Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mountains to Climb

Some days are harder than others.  Sometimes we feel like we've reached the end of the rope.  But please never give up.  I know i've been talking a lot about growing up and about the past.  But I would be nothing without what i've been through.  I'll admit times have been tough things have not gone my way.  I promise you i'm not always the most positive person but I testify to you that if you have faith in Jesus Christ he will help you.

Today is my Amazing cousins birthday.  This day has brought back a lot of memories.  Defiantly very bittersweet.  A once very happy group of friends was broken apart and it was all my fault.  I was giving up what I wanted at the moment and not thinking about what matters most.  I have been asked multiple times in my life if I could go back and change what I did or what happened would I?  I would like to say yes sometimes but I always end up saying no.  Let me explain.  In life everything that you do affects what eventually happens.  Although at the time the outcome seemed to be a nightmare I look back now and see everything good that has come out of it.  It's getting through the rough nightmare and waking up and seeing the sun that's the hard part.

I've always been able to tell myself that.  I've always been able to get through the rough patch.  So why now am I having a hard time listening to myself?  I know what happened was for the better.  I know so many things that would have never happened but for now it's hard i'm kind of still stuck back in the nightmare.  I know that I will get through it but it's hard.  For all of you out there struggling with your nightmares know you are not alone.  It's okay to be upset.  It's okay to admit you made mistakes.  But repentance was invented for a reason.  Always look for the door that is opening.  For me the door has already opened I just need to stop dwelling on the past.

Always remember you are loved.

Sorry for the rambling.  I never really have a hard time moving on but this day has just opened my eyes.  I feel horrible I know I hurt someone a lot.  I hope that they know I am really sorry.  It's never going to be the same and it hasn't been that way for a while.  I just hope they are happy hasn't hit me this hard till now.  I'm sorry.

I hope you all have a lovely day.  Make right choices.  Enjoy life.  And know we all have Mountains to Climb.

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