Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Don't Worry. Be Happy.

So often in life we dwell on the bad.  We never notice when life is good only when it's bad.  When is the last time you've sat there and talked to your friend about the good day you had?  But when was the last time when you sat there and pointed out all the negatives?  I'm challenging myself for one whole week I can only recall the good that happened.  I'm sure bad will happen but I just have to let it go and come up with something good that happened.  I'm sure it will be hard but a chapter of my life is ending.  High School will soon be over and don't get me wrong i'm so excited graduation could not come fast enough  but am I really taking advantage of everything that I could be doing right now? What does being mad, angry, upset do?? It's not accomplishing it's only affecting you.  So for the next week negative is not in my vocabulary.  Wish me luck! and feel free to join me!!

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