Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them"

Life is a test.  If it was easy we wouldn't learn anything and it would all be pointless.  But some days reality hits and you just wish it would be easy wish it could be like the movies. Unfortunately life is not like the movies people who are never suppose to let you down do and your left to pick up the pieces.  I'll admit this weekend has been hard but today in young women's the stake young women's presidency spoke to us.  There topic was what they wished they knew when they were our age.  The first thing was to know that our heavenly father loves us.  I am so grateful for the gospel, there is no way I would be able to make it through difficult times without it.  The next thing was trials and tribulations can happen tough days might come but those are not what define us it's our attitude towards the situation.  I have never been so grateful for those words in my life.  I've been very let down this week just when I thought they had changed I got stabbed in the back and it hurt a lot!  I don't know what will happen from here but I know whatever happens will be the plan for me.  It will be hard for a while but I can put a smile on my face.  As long as my attitude is good everything else will be good.  Cause tomorrow is a brand new day and everything'll be alright!

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