Sunday, July 14, 2013

What Now?

I'm sorry I have lacked extremely with posting but I hope to get back in a normal habit.  

My entire life I have always told myself everything happens for a reason.  I've been able to withstand many things. My life has not been easy but I have been greatly blessed. 
 Once you graduate you're filled with excitement it's what you have essentially worked for your entire life.  But you are then left to decide what do I do now? For me that decision was not at all what I had expected.  I had never planned to serve a mission but with the recent age changes it became more of a possibility for me.  After much reflection and personal revelation I have decided to serve a mission.  I know without a doubt this gospel is true and I want to share that with the world.  I'm ecstatic to announce i should be receiving my mission call within the next couple weeks.  But for the time being i'm left to decide what to do until then.  

But that's not the point of this post.  The point is this summer i've had fun i've went on trips i've spent time with family and friends.  It's been great.  But somewhere within all of this I forgot who I am.  (before you freak i did not commit any crimes i didn't break any rules i simply became lazy)  Well eventually life caught up to me and when i was faced with a challenge I was shocked to see myself instead of fight back look for the good and use it to better my life I gave up i said it was to hard and waited for someone to come along and make it better.   Well not so shockingly no one came along and was able to make everything better with me putting in no effort.  I was not suddenly happy again and everything was not fixed.  It was rough but the scriptures, prayer, the gospel, and family are amazing things.  Once i reached the attitude that things were not going to change unless I decided to change my ways or actually put effort into something for good. things started to improve.  Things are not perfect now and they never will be.  But i'm happy i've learned a lesson I've learned many times but have found out so much more about myself and everyone around me.

Brothers and Sisters, we are not suddenly just going to grow up.  Are insecurity, uneasiness, and attitudes are not going to change themselves with little to no effort at all.  If you truly want something you are going to have to fight and work your hardest to reach it. But i know and have been reassured many times that if you put your whole heart and soul into something what is suppose to happen will happen.  I do not promise that if you ask for something with great detail and hope and wish and work for that to come true that it will.  Because sometimes we might think that we know exactly what we need but in reality we don't.  

I hope that this can help someone else out there.  Our world is filled with so much negativity, jealousy, and hurt.  Don't let that be you. don't let what other people say or do affect you in a bad way.  Everyone has a story and everyone has a history if's not our place to judge.  Worry about yourself help others serve others but sometimes by being selfish and worrying about yourself you help more people than  you would have helped by hurting another thinking you know the situation  when you don't.

One more thing and then i'll be done with my ranting but be happy.  Know you are loved.  Don't be taking life so seriously that you don't have a little fun every once and a while! And sometimes a smile on your face is all you need to change your attitude and everyone around you(:

1 comment:

  1. Gotta say Kins, I really needed to hear that. Thank you. You're going to be an amazing missionary :)
