Sunday, May 5, 2013

What I wished I knew in High School

I've always been a person who enjoys helping others.  I'm not saying this to flaunt or show off how amazing I am.  I say it to give you a little background.  I have defiantly been the oldest in almost every situation.  I'm the oldest child in my family, the oldest grandchild on both sides, I'm one of the older ones in my class, and so on and so forth.  I've always loved being the oldest because I like being the boss and the one in charge.  So my sophomore year I was trying to be a good role model and I started a list "things I wish I knew when I was in High School"  I look back at it now and it defiantly does not just apply to those in high school. 

1)  ATTITUDE is everything it determines if you have a good time or not.  I would like to credit my mom for this one.  I can recall countless times when I've not wanted to do something and her answer is simply attitude.  I can not count how many times I have left the house with a bad attitude and i've simply received a text that says "Attitude"

2) Be a great friend. I have gone through many friendships in high school. With each one I have learned something new.  But over all I've learned that as long as you stay faithful and trust worthily people will open up to you and you can help someone.

3) Life is tough.  I don't think it was until my 9th grade year that I learned how tough life really can be. But do know that it's all worth it.  Hang in there.  You will have bad days but don't dwell on them focus on what you can change and move on.

4) You alone can not solve the worlds problems. I found myself very overwhelmed and upset one day because I could not do anything to help this person. But just as we have all learned lessons on our own others need to learn for themselves.  You are not responsible for others happiness or failure.  Help others but if you try and solve everything you will find yourself in one big mess.

5) Just do your work.  So many times I found myself putting things off until the last minute and it is just not worth it.  Just do your work and then go have fun.  Ultimately if you do it when you have time in the first place it ends up going faster and it leads to a lot less stressed and grumpy person in the end. 

6) SMILE.  I had many other things on the list but ultimately smiling can make a huge difference.  Really there is no reason not to smile.  You might be having one of the worst days of your life but if you are smiling you can really brighten someone else's day. It's okay to be sad but if you stay like that for to long you could be missing so many other doors that are opening.

Bouns) Go to bed on time.  haha say the girl that is up blogging at midnight.  But really sleep is good and makes for happier people.  but really who needs sleep (: 

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