Sunday, May 5, 2013


Tonight was our PGHS class of 2013 senior fireside.  I can tell you it was  an amazing experience.  I did not get a chance to bear my testimony so i'd like to bear it now.

I have a testimony of the power of prayer.  I know that if you pray you will receive answers.  I know that life is not easy but I know you will receive so many blessings from the trials we go through.  I'm so grateful for a loving family that is firm in the gospel. I know that everything happens for a reason.  I know that I am a daughter and of god and he loves me.  I know that we have prophets on the earth today here to help us and to guide us.  I'm grateful for friends and the good influences they have on me.  I testify that I know my savior loves me.  I know he knows who I am and that he's always there waiting to help me.  I'm grateful for the power of the atonement and the ability I have to repent.  I know that everything I have gone through the last couple years has been what was suppose to happen to me.  I wish I could say I smiled the whole time and never asked why me.  But I did get down and I can say that is where I learned the most about myself.  I'm grateful for everyone that has been put in my life.  I know that every person that I have crossed paths with has been for a reason.  I'm excited to see what the next couple years of my life has in store for me.  I would like to challenge myself and all of you to stay firm in the gospel.  There is no way I could live without it.  I'm again so grateful for everything in my life.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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