Monday, February 25, 2013

Why? I hate asking why.

And just like that life get's tough. Today it feels like a lot of old scabs got ripped off again. But you know what I'm upset I'm sad. But everything is going to be okay. It might not be tomorrow but eventually all of this will be behind me. I don't know when but I'm getting stronger I'm learning new lessons and I will be okay. Same will you. Sometimes you have to be pulled back and just a little so you can appreciate all the good in your life. And you know what the church is true and the spirit is amazing. Just listen. Hang in there bad days end. And it's okay to be upset/cry/scream. Cause guess what life can suck. Don't hold it in. Let it out then move on. Yep that's it move on. Cheers to another sleepless night.

Hear me. Imagine Dragons.

"Can nobody hear me?
I've got a lot that's on my mind
I cannot breathe
Can you hear it, too?
Can nobody hear me?
I've got a lot that's on my mind
I cannot breathe
Can you hear it, too?"

Monday, February 11, 2013

It passes all my understandings

I've been through a lot.  I've learned a lot of lessons.  But one thing I've never been able to fully understand is why bad things happen to such good people.  This is something i will never be able to explain.  As hard as i try the only things there is to say is that he knows all and if we are living right he will guide us.  For now we are left to learn.  Some days are good some days are not but that's what makes our lives so amazing.  I'm grateful for this life i have been given.  it has not been easy and I'm sure i still have some rough days to come.  I use to be scared of those days but the days i have been the most down have been some of the best days of my life.  I don't wish for bad days but when they come around i grow closer to my savior.  My testimony grows and i try harder and harder so i can live with him again.  For now i will live my life so i can have the opportunity to live with him again.  Music has always been something i can turn to.  Below are some of my favorites.  I always run to different popular upbeat songs today i chose to listen to church music and it amazed me how much farther i could go.  I want all of you to know i have a testimony of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I know that we have a living prophet on the earth and that if we live our lives the way he has planned we will be able to live with him and all those we love again.  I'd like to bear my testimony the power of prayer.  It can truly turn your day around.  I'm thankful for all the hard times in my life because that is what has made me stronger.  I know that my family loves me and i love them too.  I'm grateful for all my friends and family that have helped me through everything in my life.  I would like to say if any of you are feeling alone or like there is no one there for you there is.  I may not know you personally but i would be happy to help anyone! the scriptures are always there to help! and our Heavenly Father is always always there! So please hold your head high! Smile often. Live your life to the fullest and embrace everything that comes your way.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dancing with Angels

In loving memory of Sydney Taylor Bruning

We Are Children Holding Hands Around the World

This has always been one of my favoirte songs.  My music was on shuffle today and this song came on.  I was brought to tears.  The lyrics in this song have been evident in my life this week.  Tragedy stuck my school and to see everyone who the day before was caught up with themselves and the usually drama come together in just hours was an amazing spiritual experience.  We truly are children holding hands around the world building the kingdom of god.  I know that many are still struggling.  To you I would say look at all the people around you.  We are all here for you we love you! If you feel like you are alone you're not.  Heavenly Father is always there and you're a king or queen in his eyes he will help you.  You are loved please never forget that!

God Will Lift Us Up

Trails & Tribulatioin come to everyone.  It may seem like you are the only.  Everyone around you might seem happy and you will feel that you are the only one who is facing tough times.  This is completly false.  All of us face tough times.  You are never alone.  Your father in Heaven is always there.