This crazy old lady is in no way crazy! I'm actually convinced she's one of the three Nephites wife's because her understanding and testimony of the gospel is beyond comprehension, she gets it.
Her name is Linda Jensen and she is my hero.
(If you don't have much time to read this blog entry just scroll to the bottom and read what's italicized it will change your life.)
After I softened my heart to Linda and started to realized that she could really teach and help me my life changed. And as I write that it sounds dramatic and almost unbelievable because change in not that instant but it was. I started finding myself thinking "what would Linda do?" I took a high interest in LDS books and really I was just a happier person.
The next couple years of life for lack of a better term were "high school years." At times I thought I was going through the worst trials I would ever face in life. Obviously now I look back and pretty much laugh at myself because they were dumb little things. But to Linda that didn't matter. She was there, she listened, and even if she had no idea what was going on she listened to the spirit and let herself be an instrument in the lords hands to help me. Before I even realized it Linda was being an example to me of how to teach by the spirit.
Linda and I had great lessons. We I guess you could say broke the rules a little and didn't follow the manual but it was fine because she followed the spirit and we had great lessons on various talks, books, articles, etc all centered on Christ and a lot of the time on his Atonement. The Atonement is something that I feel we never stop learning about but for the first time in my life I was consistently understanding and appreciating the sacrament, I was getting it. I was seeing that even my little problems matter to the Lord and he wanted to help and heal me. Thanks to Linda.
One of the first talks I remember discussing with Linda is the Brad Wilcox "He's grace is Sufficient" talk. We spent a while on this one talk but it's still something I turned to and reflect on for help and guidance in my life.
I'll never forget Linda at girls camp. From hiking, crafts, cooking, cleaning, instructing, and even pranking Linda was involved. An example that it's okay to work and play.
For an activity one time we hiked the G. She could have easily said no thanks and waited at the bottom but instead she said "you might go up and down three times before I get to the top but I'll get to the top." That statement explains Linda. She does not let any obstacle stop her.
One night I was having a hard time. I had lost sight of the big picture and basically was stuck in the here and now. I called Linda up and she said come on over! I talked her ear off about everything and anything that was wrong with everyone else and the world. She just listened as she took care of her mom, sewed a dress for another young women, and prepared a meal to take to an ill neighbor. She didn't say much and I know she had a lot of other things going on and a lot more reasons to be mad at the world than I did. I'm also sure she wanted to tell me to grow up and open my eyes cause my life isn't that hard. But she didn't. She comforted me, asked how she could help, and yet again listened to the spirit. I'll be honest I don't remember a lot of what she said that night but I remember her example. Everything that was upsetting me that night could have easily been fixed and not even been an issue if I would have been losing myself by serving others. Like Linda was. More times than not she was teaching me by example.
After deciding to serve a mission she supported me through and through. A couple hours before I was set apart as a missionary I went to visit Linda. We didn't have much time to talk but some of her wisest words to me that have echoed through my head on a daily basis since were "when you write home don't sugar coat anything, you write it how it is." At the time I had no idea what she was talking about but soon after hitting the mission field I understood. Anyone that has served a mission knows its hard is an understatement. But with Linda's words in my mind I knew it was okay that it was hard and it was okay that I wrote home that the week was rough but the most important thing was that I was being real and learning from it.
A little over half way through my mission I received an email letting me know Linda had been diagnosed with stage 4 non-smokers lung cancer. The thought of her not being there when I returned was hard. But even when she was emailing me about this terrible thing that had happened in her life that she in no ways deserved she didn't show that at all she simply said "I'm not working anymore - I have quite the 'to do lists' and the 'to accomplish lists' and now I'm just enjoying. I'm not angry or upset I know there are some important things for me to learn from this and I'm ok with it." He email was a lot longer but rest was talking about me and my mission and how could she help me. Linda understands. She is the prime example of a Christlike selfless person.
Shortly after I heard the news about Linda I was assigned to plan a performance at the Washington DC Temple Visitors Center. After much prayer and fasting Linda was the inspiration for the night. Here is the link to the talk I gave that night. She wasn't there that night and I don't think she even knew it was going on. But the spirit was strong and the people there felt it and it all started because she inspired me to be a better person.
Lucky for me and the rest of the world Linda was here when I got home. Even though to me she has every possible thing fighting against her she's still one of the happiest upbeat people I know.
On Sunday I had the privilege to hear her speak and share her testimony in church. I wish I could explain the spirit in the room and the spirit that has stayed with me. I'm grateful that my dad thought to take notes because the minute she started speaking I was a mess. I want to share with you the things Linda shared with us that she has learned through her life and trials.
I don't have to know all they why's, if I trust in my Heavenly Father and know this it is part of his plan for me
Accepting his will is better than getting better
Having enough faith to accept is better than getting better
Appreciate the beauties around me
He has put people in our path to love and strengthen us
I am never alone
The veil is thin, I plan on it being thin. I will interfere in my families life
We are not left comfortless
Not shrinking matters more than dying
Medicine is a miracle of Heavenly Father
Life continues on the other side
It is all okay and it is his plan
He provides strength as needed for each individual challenge we face
Lots of things ran through my mind as she spoke. One of them being I can never complain again. Seeing as I complained not even two hours later I realize I can work on that. But all joking aside I hope and pray that at the end of my life these are all things I can say as well.
I wrote this in hopes that Linda will know and realize what an impact she has had on my life. I know if it weren't for her I would not be the person I am today. You will forever have an impact on me and so many others forever more. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is God's church restored to the earth in these latter days. The veil is thin, we are eternal beings, and there is so much more for us after this life. And I can say I know without doubt that this is true.
We Love you Linda!